Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hope Everyone had a Nice Easter

Since this was my first Easter with all my kids and grands it was really nice.

I had the girls since Katie’s and Roberts wedding friday nite and saturday

my son’s boys also came to spend some time so mom and dad could have some quiet time

I decided to boil my eggs  saturday afternoon, let them cool and let the kids decorate.

Put all the utensils on the kitchen table and Kaleb, Daegon and Abby  colored Easter eggs

and decorated them, I think they had fun.

Especially since I let them do it all by themselves..No big mess to clean up either,.

Sunday morning for me was spent making green bean salad ( for my son),Boiled my potatoes

and made  german apple cake…My Daughter in law made the main Easter dinner so off we went sunday eve  for  dinner at their house.That was really cool, Thanks Danielle….

no pic of it of none of it my digital camera is on the fritz.

Took tons of pics at Katie’s wedding and only half of them took..

I think the battery needs replacing the cam is not charging right anymore.

anyhoo……Now I am catching up on all the rain weather warnings waiting for Katie to

drop the girls off….

On the weather front we have our usual flooded roads  but we are still able to get where we need to go on main roads.or the long way( I have to laugh at the long way since its only like 5 minutes longer than the backroads..LOL

So off I go to wait for my grand girls……

Hugs to all stay safe and dry….




  1. Hey Birgit, the one thing I noticed in your pics at the wedding is that your smile reaches all the way up to your eyes. I think Indiana (crappy weather and all) and being close to family is agreeing with you.

    We had a nice Easter but I'm always a little relieved when it's over. I have a lot of people over and it requires a lot of prep work, including rearranging the furniture so everyone can eat together.

    Have a nice week.

    Cindy Bee

  2. @ Cindy Bee, Yes crappy weather and all it is agreeing with me..Its been such a stressful last 3 months with moving and getting situated then truck fire and wedding and all but its been Heaven..My husband says the same thing. He told me the other day I am smiling much more now than ever before...Crappy weather yes but you have no clue how nice it is to open windows and not have to use A/C to breathe which in TX would have been the norm already since beginning of march...so yes I am Happy.....Hugs Birgit
