Actually not much happening here... well thats not true... Took mom to the Cardio Doc yesterday,.. Should have known to take some looming with me but since I get in and out thought Mom would It seems when I take her to see him we end up waiting when I go to see him for myself I rarely wait 15 minutes,,,, never fails... Oh well we had fun chit chatting while waiting. Talked about some old times growing up in germany her knitting machines she had as a young woman... I am trying my hand with a knitting machine bought one off of ebay
but..............I really think its not working right
Now I found the manual studied it from front to back and back to front
printed it out
watched all the YouTube videos I could find on knitting machines and it doesn't work right.
Now before I chuck this one out or sell it I am trying to find somewhere in Houston a place that might have knitting machines for sale and possibly have them set up so I can see how it all works.
I truly think something is wrong with it though. The needles are so loose that just blowing on them will move them out of position. That doesn't seem right....Anyone know anything about knitting machines please email me.....
Other than that We got to talking about Germany and such because I had a dream. Now those that know me a little know I don't dream or rather if I do don't remember what I dream't. Just don't haven't since I was a teen, Anyhow I am digressing ,I dream't about going to the bakery in my little home town and buying bread, Now the baker was still the same age as he was when I was little and the bakery was large compared to then. Also He made me figure out the cost of the bread I was buying. It was to strange to be honest.
So sitting here right now with a cup of Teekanne Rosehip tea. Not much of a tea drinker during the summer but once it gets to fall and winter I do like my tea.
I have a nice big cup with matching saucer from Ikea ( oh yes my favorite store of all) that I use only for tea. so going to go and enjoy my tea now then do some household chores and then sit and Hope you all have a wonderful Friday Eve
See ya soon
Hugs Birgit