Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Sunday I have missed you all……

Its been a wild and crazy last 3 weeks but I think things are starting to settle down now a bit….

I sure hope so thought I was meeting myself coming and going. My cats looked at me like I was a stranger visiting instead of their mommy.

The dogs where so   Oh There you are finally decided to come home HUH?. I am telling you. Poor hubby  lived on sandwiches and  the odds and ends he fixed himself .

But mom is doing better now So its becoming easier on me.

I did have a lovely breakfast meeting with some nice german ladies on  this past Friday at Nicoles house. Thank you Nicole for the lovely breakfast and  good company.

yellow rose

this is a lovely yellow rose bush outside moms apartment . the last of the blooms just this past week now.

We  meaning me  also got the package sent out for my daughter Katie who is expecting November 5th…

Mom also crotchet her some things  and  these are the pics of moms stuff.

moms blanket

moms sweater and hat the sweater picture is not very good but those are moms gifts to her great grandchild ( her 5th)

these are mine all knitted on  authentic knitting board and knifty knitters


I actually made 2 hats  one with the small blue KK and one with the red one….

my first booty try too….lol

ok that’s it for today,..  Trying to  keep up with my favorite blogs … Some days it works others its oh well………….

hugs  for today from South Texas
