Saturday, January 22, 2011

Some hats for a friend

These are a couple hats I made for a friend of mine

Hugs from South Texas..Birgit

Copyright of photo to Julie Francois. Thank you Julie for letting me use the picture


Friday, January 21, 2011

Well I guess I had better explain my vent from the other day

Ok as some of you may know or not I am a nurse.. but disabled since november 2008. To explain a bit more in depth in jan 2006 I had some issues with my legs.. I have been a diabetic for oh lets say I was diagnosed on Feb 13th 1986. So a long time and yes I remember that date very well. Anyhow back to legs,, problems with them so my endo ( endocrinologist) wanted to send me to a doc.. I said I know who I am going to my moms cardiologist. So went to  him and as a given he does an EKG every time you walk into his office. Well his Nurse ( and yes she is one) did an EKG   then left. sat and waited and he walks in and says we have a problem. I am like but we haven’t discussed why I am here yet. He stated we will get to that in a minute but your EKG is abnormal. Ouch… so after the routine  everything including heart cath.. ended up march 2006 with a bypass.. he wanted to have 2 done  since I had 2 blockages that needed fixing but surgeon said the right coronary built its own bypass had good collateral flow to it so he only did one. After 8 weeks I was back to work… yes  you read right 8 weeks later. I was still tired but felt great. The legs by the way where neuropathy….and since then its been every year. a cath… in 2007 ended up  showing no problems but the angioseal they used  was either faulty or broke who knows and caused a 100% blockage in my right femoral.. surgery  to fix it and patch the artery. no longer can it be used for heart caths.. 2008 a stent with good results.. Nov 2008 sunday evening.. chest pain.. nitro  did not work so ambulance called and in the hospital I went. they took me to a diff hospital since they said mine was on drive by..( which I found out later was bulls**t)anyhow  cardio there  did speak with my doc… did heart cath ..placed stent….but while being on the table with loads of lovely  I don’t care drugs in my system he went in my right femoral  instead of the left even though he was aware of the blockage and patch in the right. Those of you that are nurses  know what I am saying.. anyhow went home thursday  to my cardio on monday with a goose egg on my right leg… right in the groin….dx of pseudo aneurysm. direct admit from xray dept with surgery the next day. then the following week admitted due to major breathing issues.. after months of testing etc etc  my breathing issues are vocal cord an bronchial spasms  caused from the surgery to fix the  leg which I shouldn’t have had to have  if a doctor would have listend.june 2009 double bypass…. since then I have had 2 more stents and am  pretty much not able to do things… major depression hit realizing I was 50 ( at the time) and wouldn’t be able to work anymore.. that’s when I started  loom knitting and then crocheting. It makes me feel a little useful . any household chore is  major for me.  if I cook, a meal its started in the morning since I constantly  have to take breaks.. but that’s neither here nor there I have adapted used to it. etc… so since 09 I am now on social security  and also get  longterm disability from my former employer,.. well my cardio and pulmo docs are the same but changed my pcp and endo  to ones closer… ouch  medical notes are non existing in my chart,… all is within normal limits for them.. then office was supposed to fax  medical to my longterm and stated  never received the fax request.. Now  having worked as insurance nurse myself  before this happened I know faxed can get lost but  after several calls from my case manager and  several faxes sent  and still not there… seems like someone doesn’t know what they are doing. then they told my insurance cm that they received a call from someone telling them  that they didn’t need to fill it out  and so tore it up and threw it away?? what other lies are you gonna dish out  ??? that’s why I was hot…. and vented… suffice it to say I will change docs again   but that’s a given since we are  moving to indiana..

on that front  William was supposed to  look at a house for us yesterday but since it snowed heavily I gather it will be done today I hope/ On our front we have 60 moving boxes in the kitchen right now  waiting to be packed…………..did I tell you I hate moving????? packing and all it entails…. but this is a good move… load sof purging will be done…. lightening the load.. starting brand new…. near kids and grand kids……..

ok  more coffee ,,, chitchat with hubby about his plans for the day……..

then mom will get up…………Hugs from a bit chilly South Texas ( 28*) Birgit

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I hate untrained Medical Office staff

I hate Doctors who pay piss poor and hire the cheapest people

don’t train them right and then patients  can see where they end up

due to that untrained office staff and  offices not being run correctly.

sorry had to vent to someone…

Anyone else wanna have at it???????

Swiffer pads crocheted and other ideas to make them

Here is a link for home made swiffer cloths-pads.. really good ideas to find here…

and so much cheaper than buying the finished products…

Hugs from South Texas..Birgit

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

just a little mindless crocheting

I decided I didn’t want to count or watch or do anything fancy

just some mindless crocheting so this is what I made..c0e55ecda3f4__1295408052000

0e0c41fc0444__1295408104000 since swiffer pads are really expensive

at least I think so and for a quick mop through that’s what I use I decided to start making

some for myself.. I bought some bernat cotton the 12 oz skein at Jo-anns a while back on sale

for $ 4.99 just a variegated cotton yarn and that’s what I used……single crochet

sewed the sides together.. they slip on and off real well… I am going to make a couple more

the next ones a bit skinnier… simple, easy washable in hot water..


FYI I used a N hook on this project.. single crochet every row with only hooking into the back loop , creates a bit of a wave which I like. Also I did 62 rows . Not good at explaining how I do things but this gives you an idea...

on the moving front my poor son is doing his thing for us calling, and looking at rentals…

Hugs from South Texas…….( still) Birgit

Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Morning January 17th…………….

Well  its really offical now…….. All plans are in the works to move back to indiana

hopefully  in march………yes I said march.,,, I can not wait… happy  finally back near

the kiddos and grand kiddos…….I think even my mom is happy to be moving near her great grand kids… especially the newest one

allison and triggerthat is Allison  last week with her watch dog Trigger..

he seems to have taken to my littlest grand daughter and my daughter. Robert can’t even give Katie a foot rub without Trigger growling at him…lol and where ever little Allison is that’s where Trigger

seems to hang out…. They got this dog not  all to long ago………. he is supposed to be

2 years old the old owners  all where working and no one there to  play with him.. He seemed lonely so they decided to let Katie have him… friends of hers..

I have finished 2 hats… and forgot to take pics before I sent them off to my friend..Go figure  that sometimers really gets me sometimes……Surprised smile So  still have to finish packing moms curio cabinet with all her wine glasses  she has collected over the years…but  other than that  all her stuff is packed, It will all go into our storage  packed and ready for the indiana move..

Did I tell you I am excited??? Winking smile I really am..So much to do and so little time to do it….

My son has been looking for a rental house for us..cross our fingers sounds like he has found one… maybe.. He needs to look at it this week and send me pics  and  sizes of rooms..

Off to read a few mails now………..will try and keep you all posted….

Hugs from South Texas,,,,,Birgit

Quote of the day:
Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much. - Oscar Wilde