As most of you know the last couple months have been busy for me…
Moving from Texas back to Indiana… Getting to know my grandkids
and of course my daughters wedding to get ready for…
Then also lets not forget the truck burning a little over a week ago.
busy, stress,,,,,,,many OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But its official now…They are done hitched….
lets share some moments….
Abby as flower girl with my grandson
Daegon ringbearer
Waiting for the Bride with the minister
wont bore you with more.. you get the gyst of things… have the girls till sunday
hopefully after that things will settle down and I can get some stress less rest and start
enjoying my crocheting or loom knitting a little more often…..
Easter sunday is at my sons house… oh yea forgot to show him off
That’s my boy…..OOPS sorry William my young man….lol
Daegon is his youngest
couldn’t resist this one… Abby is dancing for her Mommy
my DIL with the oldest grandchild and the youngest
there is the 2 boys…Kaleb was bored outta his mind like most 11 year olds are at weddings….
ok running now
Hugs from Indiana……………….Birgit