Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Wishing all my visitors and readers a wonderful and Merry Christmas

Santa was good with a kindle, a cover and reading light for it….Of course cookies where left as was milk which he loved of course..

Kids and grands  loved the hats and scarfs and little  christmas decorations I sent them and have ordered more in their fave colors…

Sauerbraten, rotkraut are ready  potato balls ( kartoffel kloesse) I still need to make.

Cheesecake is done


the girls  yesterday


my other 3 grands

l_96252c0d7e83e75cd7a7a02323c62f5flast years christmas haven’t gotten any this year….;lol


XOXOXO Hugs from South Texas  to all


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Are you ready for Christmas? Kann der Weihnachtsman kommen?

Baking is done except for the cheese cake, If hubby leaves us some christmas cookies for christmas…lolweihnb00035

Alles ist gebacken auser dem kaesekuchen hoffe das mein mann ein paar plaetzchen fuer den weihnachtsman laesst.

Christmas packages have arrived at the kids and grandkids homes. They are expecting more winter weather so they sure can use the hats and scarfs I made for them. Already have orders for more…lolbanner-merry-x-mass-animiert

Weihnachtspackete sind schon angekommen bei den kindern und enkel habe schon wuensche fuer weitere muetzen und schaals bekommen in ihren lieblings farben,,,lol

So Santa can come now, Der weihnachtsmann kann kommen,,,,,,,,,,

Wishing my friends in blog land a wonderful , peaceful,joyous and Merry Christmas.

Hugs from a non winter –non Christmas weather South Texas…Birgit